The new bar code Form 4 generator system that is supposed to speed up NFA forms routes data through systems owned by the silencer brands that developed the bar code Form 4 generator system. The unethical market manipulation end-game Sadly, pressuring lawmakers is the only way we can get silencers removed from the NFA. That pain is what will make consumers pressure their lawmakers. If the brands behind the Form 4 generator bar code system wanted to get silencers off of the NFA, then the brands would reinforce how painful the NFA process is for everyone. A less unpleasant process means people are less likely to DEMAND the laws change and remove silencers from NFA all together. It baffles me that so many folks applaud this short term band-aid instead of curing the problem for good. If these brands really wanted or expected silencers to be removed from the NFA, then they would not have wasted money developing a new bar code Form 4 generator process to make the NFA process less painful. The biggest companies supporting the bills to remove silencers from the NFA (HPA, SHUSH, SHARE) have recently changed their tune and introduced a barcode based Form 4 generator process to speed up the existing NFA filing process. I hope I am wrong on this, but have yet to see any tangible results to suggest I am off base here. To them, the HPA and similar bills only exist as bargaining chips to get concessions on other bills.ĭon’t believe it? See the prior paragraph. There are too many politicians that see their control of our freedoms as a big game. But consumers giving up when faced with an absurd $200 tax and NFA processes designed to fail aren’t to blame for all of this… 2) HPA is a political football Heck, I was one of those consumers that bought the hype early in 2017. Rather than scream at the top of our lungs and demand our legislators fix this and remove silencers from the NFA, most consumers opted to quietly wait for HPA to pass. To kill that momentum the ATF introduced the 41F changes that made the NFA process more cumbersome, confusing and time consuming. We were played masterfully in 2016 when the ATF saw momentum rising for both silencer ownership and removal of silencers from the NFA. Simply put, the consumers that would like to own silencers haven’t been vocal and persistent enough to convince legislators that removing silencers from the NFA is worth their time. Here are 5 reasons why silencers will not be removed from the NFA? 1) Legislators don’t think we careĬongressmen and Senators react to threats to their political survival.
It even appears that a few are maneuvering to take the pressure off of politicians and ensure that legislation to remove silencers from the NFA will fail, as continuation of the NFA process gives them an unfair advantage. The writing is on the wall that some of the biggest names in the silencer industry have already accepted that silencers will remain NFA items.
However, Hollywood’s portrayal of suppressors as the exclusive tools of evil assassins has sustained an absurd hysteria among anti-gun types that has, and WILL CONTINUE TO prevent the removal of silencers from the National Firearms Act. We should encourage silencer use in the US as a common sense improvement over cumbersome hearing protection headsets and earplugs. Silencers protect the hearing of the person shooting AND everyone around them. Killing HPA: Did 3 Big Silencer Brands Sell Us ALL Out?
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